Find Wall Art for Your Entryway

Your entryway or foyer is your chance to create a stunning first impression for your guests. One of the best ways to create a great first impression is by choosing the perfect entryway wall art. As the first and last area you encounter when entering and leaving your home, this space sets the tone for your entire living environment. It's a transitional zone that welcomes guests and provides a preview of your personal style.

By thoughtfully incorporating wall art into your design, you can transform your entryway into a space that feels both welcoming and inspired for you and your guests. A carefully chosen piece of artwork can serve as a focal point, drawing the eye and creating a sense of harmony and balance.

Ultimately, the goal is to make the moments you spend in this space feel special. Whether you're heading out for the day or returning home, being greeted by the perfect piece of entryway wall art can elevate your mood and provide a sense of comfort and inspiration.



The art philosophy that focuses on innovation and experimentation with shapes, colors and lines.


Use retro art to create a unique vibe you want in your space.

What art can you hang in an entryway?

There are endless options for entryway artwork! Here are a few simple ideas that can help you narrow your search.

  1. One Large Statement Art: An oversized print or canvas is an easy way to turn your entryway into a stunning design moment.
  2. Small Gallery Wall: Show off your gallery wall chops with a small grouping of art prints. An odd number of prints can help the look feel balanced.
  3. Prop a Painting: If you can’t choose between a mirror and art in your entryway, try propping a piece of art against your mirror for a layered look.


What to consider for entryway art

So you know how you want to hang your entryway art, now you just need to decide on the actual art. Here are some key considerations to help you choose!

  1. Function First: Entryways and foyers are high-traffic spaces. Be sure to hang your art in a safe place where it won’t get bumped or choose durable options like wood mount prints.
  2. Set the Mood with Color: How do you want to feel when you walk into your space? Use color in art to set the mood for your entryway so that it’s the perfect greeting when you arrive home.



Whatever hangs in your foyer makes an impression! The art you place in your entryway helps welcome people to your home and sets the tone for the type of decor they’ll discover inside. It’s the best place to add something welcoming: florals, bright colors, or doorways from around the world will help guests step into somewhere comfortable. When it comes to entryway artwork, you’re putting your best art forward, with pieces that will welcome you home at the end of every day.