James Ward
42 Items
James Ward
42 Items
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Figure Study - the Wrestlers (Pencil and Pastel on Buff Paper)
James Ward
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
A Thatched Cottage and Trees at the Turn of a Country Road (Pen and W/C on Paper)
James Ward
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Portraits of Two Extraordinary Oxen, the Property of the Earl of Powis, 1814
James Ward
Giclee Print
18" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Portrait of 'Vic', a Spanish Bloodhound, C.1818-20
James Ward
Giclee Print
18" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Portrait Of Lord Stanhope (1805-66) Riding A Pony, 1815.
James Ward
Giclee Print
12" x 18",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Young Boy and His Dog in a Stable with a Horse and Sheep (Oil on Canvas)
James Ward
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Study for the Battle near Boston, 1829 (Oil on Panel)
James Ward
Giclee Print
18" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Portraits of Two Extraordinary Oxen, the Property of the Earl of Powis, 1814
James Ward
Giclee Print
18" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Ryelands Sheep, the King's Ram, the King's Ewe and Lord Somerville's Wether, C.1801-07
James Ward
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Portrait of Reformer, Blucher, Tory and Crib, the Property of Rowland Alston, Esq., 1835
James Ward
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32