Prisma Archivo Canvas
94 Items
Prisma Archivo Canvas
94 Items
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German Reformer, Luther Burning the Papal Bull 'Exsurge Domine' (1520) of Pope Leo X
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Military and Venezuelan Statesman Called 'The Liberator'
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Physicist, Italian Mathematician and Astronomer
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
German Reformer, Luther's Preaching to the Crowd in Moera. Colored Engraving from 1882
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Invention Created by Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio, 1847-West Orange, 1931)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
8" x 24",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Friedrich Holderlin (Lauffen-Am-Neckar, 1770, Tubingen, 1843). German Lyric Poet
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
St. Augustine (354-430). African Bishop, Doctor and Father of the Church
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Martin Luther (Eisleben, 1483, Eisleben, 1546)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
The Apostle Saint Peter Holding the Keys, Square of Sant Peter, City of the Vatican
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Roald Engebrecht Amundsen (Borge, 1872, in the Arctic, 1928). Norwegian Explorer by Hildibrand
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Teresa of Avila (1515-1582). Religious Reformer of the Carmelite Order by Capuz
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Construction of the Panama Canal. Works in Bridge Called 'Alto-Obispo'
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Silk Road, Caravan of Camels Resting, Antioch
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Roman Art, the Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre, Rome, Italy
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
General Washington's Army in New York on July 9, 1776 by Howard Pyle, 1892
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Mosaic of a Roman Villa, Corinth Museum, Korinthia, Peloponnese, Greece
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Martin Luther (Eisleben, 1483, Eisleben, 1546)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
German Statesman. Proclamed Chancellor of the Empire in 1871
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Otto-Leopold Bismarck, Prince of Bismarck (1815-1898). German Statesman. Bismarck in Friedrichruhe
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Typographic Composing New Machine by W. Meyer for 'Artistic Illustration', 1885
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Roman Mosaic, Floral Decoratio, Ostia Antica, Italy
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
First Emperor of the Roman Empire, Marble Statue, Roman National Museum, Rome, Italy
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Leo X (1475-1521). Florentine Pope (1513-1521), Named Giovanni De Medici. Son of Lorenzo De Medici
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Police Officers Dispersing the Strike of Employees of Streetcar in New York, Usa, March 4, 1886
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Lutheran Church, Built in 1743, Trappe, Usa
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Africa, European Settler Instructing Natives by a Projection with the Unit, 'Magic Lantern' (1879)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
German Statesman. Proclamed Chancellor of the Empire in 1871
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Bathory, Stephen I (1533-1586). King of Poland (1575-1586)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Roman Mosaic, Neptune Riding a Chariot, Baths of Neptune, Ostia Antica, Italy
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Reading the Newspaper in the Tavern, Colored Engraving, 1876.
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Found in Vari (Attica). Dated around 420 Bc National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Monks Plowing the Land with Oxen, Germany (1872)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Dance of the Sufi Dervishes, 19th Century Colored Engraving
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Italian Poet by Pannemaker
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Prince (1866-81) and King of Romania (1881-1914) by A. Carretero
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Tsar of Russia (1682-1725). He Was Proclaimed Tsar after the Death of His Brother Fedor Iii (1682)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
World War I (1914-1918). British Troops Advancing on Enemy Positions, Protected by Gas Masks, 1915
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Women with a Harpsichord. Colored Engraving, 1895
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Tomb of Pope Julius Ii. Church of Saint Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, Italy
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Telephone Service in Madrid (1886)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Ottam Brother Cetewayo (Zulu King C.183-1884), and the English Colonel Rudolph, South Africa
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
French Chemist and Bacteriologist. Study of Microbes in the Pasteur Institute
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Roman Art, the Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre, Rome, Italy
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Sultan Welcoming the Council Members in the Courtroom Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Meeting of Aristocratic Families in the Living Room. Colored Engraving by George Scott, 1892
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Inquisition. Instrument of Torture, Wheel of Fortune
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Experiments on the Phone from Dr. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). Navigator, Colonizer, and Explorer
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
American League Cycles in Pennsylvania Avenue. Mid May 1884, Washington, Usa
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
German Statesman. Proclamed Chancellor of the Empire in 1871
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Sale of Indulgences in Germany in Opposition to the Doctrine Preached by Luther in His 95 Theses
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (1746-1817), Polish General and National Hero
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
The Dance of Death (1493) by Michael Wolgemut, from the Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Head of Nike (Ii Century Ad), Agora Museum, Athens, Greece
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
World War I (1914-1918). First German Zeppelin over Antwerpe
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Iphigenia. Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra and Sister of Electra and Orestes
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Danish Physicist and Chemist. Oersted Discovers Electromagnetism
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
An Old Man Teach to Write a Child, French Sudan, 1893
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1845-1923). German Physicist. Discovered Rontgen Rays or X-Ray (1895)
Prisma Archivo
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $79