Christian Masterpieces
241 Items
Christian Masterpieces
241 Items
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The Holy Family with the Little Bird, circa 1650
Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Virgin and Child with John the Baptist
Sandro Botticelli
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Childhood of Christ, circa 1620
Gerrit van Honthorst
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Madonna and Child
Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Virgin of the Rocks (The Virgin with the Infant St. John Adoring the Infant Christ)
Leonardo da Vinci
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Meeting at the Golden Gate, circa 1305 Gate in Jerusalem, circa 1305
Giotto di Bondone
Giclee Print
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Archangel Raphael Leaving the Family of Tobias
Rembrandt van Rijn
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Holy Family, circa 1660-70
Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Marriage of the Virgin, circa 1305
Giotto di Bondone
Giclee Print
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Sistine Chapel Ceiling and Lunettes, 1508-12
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, circa 1305
Giotto di Bondone
Giclee Print
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
St. Mary Magdalene Approaching the Sepulchre
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo
Giclee Print
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Adoration of the Shepherds, French School
Annibale Carracci
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Madonna and Child with Two Angels, 1770-73
Anton Raphael Mengs
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Visit of the Angel, from the Right Wing of the Buxtehude Altar, 1400-10
Master Bertram of Minden
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Opening of the Fourth Seal, of Death Riding the Pale Horse, No.12 from the Apocalypse of Angers
Nicolas Bataille
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Transfiguration of Our Lord, Russian Icon from the Holy Theotokos Dormition Church
Giclee Print
12" x 18",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Last Judgment, Central Panel of Triptych
Hieronymus Bosch
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Garden of Earthly Delights, Detail No.3
Hieronymus Bosch
Giclee Print
12" x 18",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, 1620-5
Giovanni Lanfranco
Giclee Print
18" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Madonna and Child with St. Catherine (The Virgin of the Rabbit) circa 1530
Titian (Tiziano Vecelli)
Giclee Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Saint Francis Contemplating a Skull with Brother Leo
El Greco
Giclee Print
16" x 24",
Multiple Sizes
From $38
Icon of the Mother of God Tikhvinskaia, Central Russia, First Half of the 17th Century
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Christ Carrying the Cross, from the Saint Sebastian Altar, 1518
Albrecht Altdorfer
Giclee Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Madonna of the Holy Trinity, Painted Around 1260 for the Church of the Trinity in Florence
Giclee Print
12" x 18",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
Adam and Eve, Expulsion from Paradise, Left Wing of the Triptych of the Last Judgment
Hieronymus Bosch
Giclee Print
8" x 24",
Multiple Sizes
From $32
The Raising of Lazarus, circa 1305 (Pre-Restoration)
Giotto di Bondone
Giclee Print
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $32