Amenophis III Framed Canvas

10 Items

Amenophis III Framed Canvas

10 Items

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Amenophis IIIFramed Canvas

Temple Sacred to Amun Mut and Khons (Khonsu), Luxor, Egypt

CM Dixon

Framed Premier Image Canvas

19" x 13",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

The Colossi of Memnon, Near the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 14th Century Bc

Framed Premier Image Canvas

19" x 13",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

View of Luxor, and the Temple of Thebes at Luxor, Egypt, C1808

Vivant Denon

Framed Premier Image Canvas

17" x 13",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

Statues of Memnon, Thebes, Egypt, C1808

L Petit

Framed Premier Image Canvas

13" x 17",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

The Colossi of Memnon, at Thebes, During the Inundation, 19th Century

David Roberts

Framed Premier Image Canvas

19" x 13",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

Sphinx of Amenhotep III, 15th-14th Century BC

Framed Premier Image Canvas

19" x 13",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

Hall of Columns in the Great Temple of Karnak, Egypt, 1933-1934

Framed Premier Image Canvas

17" x 13",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

Statuette of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) and Nefertiti, from Tell El-Amarna, Amarna Period New Kingdom

Framed Premier Image Canvas

13" x 19",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

Pendant Representing Amenophis III (1403-1365 BC) from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom

Framed Premier Image Canvas

13" x 17",

Multiple Sizes

From $151

Head of Amenophis III from the Tomb of Onsou, 18th Dynasty, 1550-1295 BC (Mural)

Framed Premier Image Canvas

17" x 17",

Multiple Sizes

From $151