
483 Items


483 Items

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Pope John Paul II, 1978

Photographic Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John XXIII Arriving Just before the Papal Election

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18" x 24",

Multiple Sizes

From $99

Pope John Paul II Holds His Arm Around Mother Teresa

Photographic Print

12" x 9",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter, 1481


Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Jan Hus before the Council of Constance, 1415

Vaclav Brozik

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Visit of Pope Pius IX to Tomb of St Cecilia, in Catacomb of Callixtus in Rome, November 1854, Italy

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John Xxiii Speaking from Balcony During Ecumenical Council

Premium Photographic Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $99

People on a Rooftop Awaiting the Coronation of Pope John XXIII, Vatican City, 4th November 1958

Photographic Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Formosus (816-896) and Pope Stephen VI in 897

Jean Paul Laurens

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John Paul II

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John Paul II Reading a Prayer

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Portrait of Pope Innocent X (1574-1655), 1650

Diego Velazquez

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Benedict Xvi Delivers His ''Urbi Et Orbi'' Message

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Pope Pius X

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Pius X

Photographic Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Padre Pio, 1988-89

Antonio Ciccone

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Trevi Fountain in Rome (Pope Benidict XIV Visits the Trevi Fountain in Rom), 18th Century

Giovanni Paolo Panini

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Tarot: 2 La Papesse, The Female Pope

Art Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Study for a Padre Pio Monument, 1979-80

Antonio Ciccone

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Liberius Founding the Basilica of Santa Maria Della Neve

Tommaso Masolino Da Panicale

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John Paul II, 1978

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John Xxiii During Ecumenical Council

Premium Photographic Print

24" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $99

Portrait of Pope Julius II, 1511


Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Adoration of the Name of Jesus

El Greco

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Rome, Italy. Famous Saint Peter'S Square In Vatican And Aerial View Of The City


Art Print

24" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $26

Detail of the Disputation of the Holy Sacrament, C.1509-10


Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John XXIII Arriving Just before the Papal Election

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18" x 24",

Multiple Sizes

From $99

Pope John Paul II Kisses the Foot of a Clergyman

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Pope and Doves - Lithography Style

Lantern Press

Art Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Illustation of Martin Luther's Hymn Asking for the Help of God Against the Deadly Work of the Pope

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Church Fathers

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Benedict XV

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Leo I (C.390-461) Repulsing Attila (C.406-453) 1511-14


Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Seeds and Fruit of English Poetry, 1845

Ford Madox Brown

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope John Paul II Kisses the Feet of One of 12 Mentally Retarded Italians

Photographic Print

12" x 9",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Pope John Paul II

Art Print

13" x 18",

Multiple Sizes




Study for a Portrait of Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) 2005

James Gillick

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Leo I "The Great" Pope and Saint Opposed Heretics Menaced by Attila the Hun

Photographic Print

8" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

St Leo the Great, 1886

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Pius X

Photographic Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Papa Franciscus

Maurilio Boldrini

Art Print

8" x 10",

Multiple Sizes




Pope Francis


12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $26

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Pius XII Celebrated the 10th Anniversary of His of His Papacy at the Sistine Chapel


12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $26

St Leo the Great Stops Attila the Hun's Conquest of Italy, 452

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Seven Churches of Rome, with Portrait of Alexander VII (Pope 1655-1667), Italy, 17th Century

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

St Ursula Shrine, Arrival in Rome, 1489

Hans Memling

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

The Denial of Saint Peter, 1660

Rembrandt van Rijn

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Alphonsus Maria De Liguori (1696-178), C.1910S

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Saint Peter Healing a Paralytic

Bernardo Strozzi

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Denial of Saint Peter, Ca 1625

Nicolas Tournier

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great, Ca 1510-1520

Adriaen Isenbrant

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Liberation of St Peter' Detail, 1514


Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Meeting of the Chapter of the Knights Templar, Paris, 1147

Francois-Marius Granet

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Adoration of the Trinity (The Landauer Altarpiece), 1511

Albrecht Durer

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

St. Alexander Pope, 13th Century Fresco, Basilica of San Pelino or Valvense

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Coronation of Pope Pius II, with City of Siena at Bottom Guarded by Two Heraldic Lions

Giovanni di Paolo

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

St Raymond of Penafort, Advisor to Pope Gregory IX

Alonso Antonio Villamor

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Deposition of Pope Silverio, 537

Cesare Maccari

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Pope Pius V

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32