Editor Picks (LIFE)
294 Items
Editor Picks (LIFE)
294 Items
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Children at a Puppet Theatre, Paris, 1963
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Waiter Rene Brequet with Tray of Cocktails as He Skates Around Serving Patrons at the Grand Hotel
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
3-D Movie Viewers during Opening Night of "Bwana Devil"
J^ R^ Eyerman
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Jack Kennedy Conferring with His Brother and Campaign Organizer Bobby Kennedy in Hotel Suite
Hank Walker
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
University of Pittsburgh Students Cheering Wildly from Atop Cathedral of Learning, School's Campus
George Silk
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Cumulus Clouds Billowing over Texaco Gas Station along a Stretch of Highway US 66
Andreas Feininger
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
VP Richard Nixon Sitting Solemnly in Back Seat of Dimly Lit Limousine
Hank Walker
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
African American Flood Victims Lined Up to Get Food and Clothing From Red Cross Relief Station
Margaret Bourke-White
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Ella Watson Standing with Broom and Mop in Front of American Flag, Part of Depression Era Survey
Gordon Parks
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Models Sunbathing, Wearing Latest Beach Fashions
Nina Leen
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
African American Track Star Tommie Smith, John Carlos After Winning Gold and Bronze Olympic Medal
John Dominis
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $85
Couple Taking a Ride on the 300 Ft. Parachute Jump at Coney Island Amusement Park
Marie Hansen
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Children of Photographer with Eugene Smith Walking Hand in Hand in Woods Behind His Home
W^ Eugene Smith
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Singer Marian Anderson Giving an Easter Concert at the Lincoln Memorial
Thomas D^ Mcavoy
Premium Photographic Print
18" x 24",
Multiple Sizes
From $99
Indian Leader Mohandas Gandhi Reading as He Sits Cross Legged on Floor
Margaret Bourke-White
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $85
Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr Taking a Dip in a Swimming Pool
John Loengard
Premier Image Canvas
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $85
Man Flying Off a Trampoline at Santa Monica Beach
Loomis Dean
Photographic Print
16" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Naked Us Soldiers Bathing in the Pacific Ocean During a Lull in the Fighting on Saipan
Peter Stackpole
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Professional Dancers Willa Mae Ricker and Leon James Show Off the Lindy Hop
Gjon Mili
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Dr. Ernest Ceriani in a State of Exhaustion, Having a Cup of Coffee in the Hospital Kitchen at 2 AM
W^ Eugene Smith
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Actress Sophia Loren Laughing While Exchanging Jokes During Lunch Break on a Movie Set
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $85
Subway Series: Rapt Audience in Bar Watching World Series Game from New York on TV
Francis Miller
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Portrait of Marilyn Monroe on Patio Outside of Her Home
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Photographic Print
8" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Sikh Carrying His Wife on Shoulders After the Creation of Sikh and Hindu Section of Punjab India
Margaret Bourke-White
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Marcel Duchamp Walking down Stairs in exposure of Famous Painting "Nude Descending a Staircase"
Eliot Elisofon
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Charlton Heston as Moses in Motion Picture "The Ten Commandments" Shown at Drive in Movie Theater
J. R. Eyerman
Photographic Print
12" x 9",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Woman Showing Her Fashionable Wartime Hairstyle Called Winged Victory
Nina Leen
Giant Art Print
48" x 72"
From $160
Actress Jane Fonda Wearing Space Age Costume for Title Role in Roger Vadim's Film "Barbarella"
Carlo Bavagnoli
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $85
Photographer Dennis Stock Holding Camera to His Face
Andreas Feininger
Premier Image Canvas
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $85
Forest of Wells, Rigs and Derricks Crowd the Signal Hill Oil Fields
Andreas Feininger
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Country Doctor Ernest Ceriani Making House Call on Foot in Small Town
W^ Eugene Smith
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Harry Truman Jubilantly Displaying Erroneous Chicago Daily Tribune Headline "Dewey Defeats Truman"
W^ Eugene Smith
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Young Artist Paints Sacre Coeur from the Ancient Rue Narvins
Ed Clark
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Presidential Candidate Bobby Kennedy and His Dog, Freckles, Running on an Oregon Beach
Bill Eppridge
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Navy CPO Graham Jackson Playing Accordian, Crying as Franklin D Roosevelt's Body is Carried Away
Ed Clark
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Professional Dancers Willa Mae Ricker and Leon James Show Off the Lindy Hop
Gjon Mili
Giant Art Print
48" x 72"
From $160
Civil Rights Leader Dr Martin Luther King with Pres. Lyndon Johnson During Visit to the White House
Stan Wayman
Premium Photographic Print
18" x 24",
Multiple Sizes
From $99
Female Pilot of the Us Women's Air Force Service Posed with Her Leg Up on the Wing of an Airplane
Peter Stackpole
Premium Photographic Print
18" x 24",
Multiple Sizes
From $99
US Marines Crouching Behind Hillside Rock Cover, Blowing Up Cave Connected to Japanese Blockhouse
W^ Eugene Smith
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Audience in Elegant Boxes at La Scala Opera House
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Wounded Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jeremiah Purdie During the Vietnam War
Larry Burrows
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Saturn V Rocket Lifting the Apollo 11 Astronauts Towards Their Manned Mission to the Moon
Ralph Morse
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
St. John's Defeating Bradley in a Basketball Game at Madison Square Garden
Gjon Mili
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Audience at Gala on the Last Night in the Old Metropolitan Opera House
Henry Groskinsky
Giant Art Print
72" x 48"
From $160
The Yangtze River Passing Through the Wushan, or "Magic Mountain", Gorge in Szechwan Province
Dmitri Kessel
Giant Art Print
72" x 48"
From $160
Boxer Muhammad Ali Taunting Boxer Joe Frazier During Training for Their Fight
John Shearer
Photographic Print
8" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Construction in NYC: Land Being Cleared For 20 Story Building in East 60s
Dmitri Kessel
Photographic Print
16" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Papuan Native Helping a Wounded Australian Infantryman Along Road Away from the Buna Battlefront
George Silk
Photographic Print
12" x 16",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
President Harry S. Truman Standing in Rowboat, Fishing with Others
George Skadding
Photographic Print
12" x 9",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Portrait of Artist Georgia O'Keeffe Sitting on the Roof of Her Ghost Ranch Home
John Loengard
Photographic Print
12" x 8",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Mrs. Margaret Morse Nice Lying Flat in Grass to Study Nest of Baby Field Sparrows
Al Fenn
Photographic Print
8" x 12",
Multiple Sizes
From $54
Automobile Arriving from the Eastern Sector of Berlin Being Halted by West Berlin Police
Ralph Crane
Giant Art Print
48" x 72"
From $160