Hercules (Mythology)

102 Items

Hercules (Mythology)

102 Items

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Hercules (Mythology)

The Choice of Hercules, 1712

Paolo Di Matteis

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules at the Crossroads, c.1596

Annibale Carracci

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Killing the Centaur (Marble) (See also 353893-4)


Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra, 1875-76

Gustave Moreau

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Crowned by Fame

Sebastiano Conca

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Fighting the Nemean Lion

Peter Paul Rubens

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra, after Gustave Moreau, circa 1876

Narcisse Berchere

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Omphale

Francois Boucher

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Heracles and Omphale, 18th Century

François Boucher

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Farnese Hercules, 1592

Hendrik Goltzius

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Achillies and Hercules, 1923-1926

Sascha Schneider

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Birth of the Milky Way with Juno Breastfeeding Baby Hercules, 1636-37

Peter Paul Rubens

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Statue of Heracles, 2nd Century

Photographic Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Hercules and Omphale

Peter Paul Rubens

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Apotheosis of Hercules, Ceiling of Hercules Salon, Decorated 1710

Francois Lemoyne

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Omphale, 1730

Francois Boucher

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules (Greek), Heracles (Roman), Mythology

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Art Print

8" x 24",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

July and August: Leo and Virgo

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Death of Hercules, 1655

Michel de Marolles

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Heracles Delivering Hesione, C1708-1737

Francois Lemoyne

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Cerberus, C1634

Francisco de Zurbarán

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Omphale, 1724

François Lemoyne

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and the Hydra

Gustave Moreau

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis

Frederick Leighton

Art Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

The Infant Hercules

Annibale Carracci

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Fresco Depicting Hercules and Telephus, from Basilica of Herculaneum, Campania, 1st Century

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Infant Hercules

Sir Joshua Reynolds

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Frogs of Aristophanes at Oxford

Henry Marriott Paget

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Farnese Hercules, 18th Century

Photographic Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Hercules and Omphale

François Le Moyne

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Abduction of Deianeira by the Centaur Nessus

Guido Reni

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra (From the Labours of Hercule)

Lucas Cranach the Elder

Giclee Print

16" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Rocky Valley with a Road, 17th Century

Hercules Seghers

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Hercules

D'Ozanne D'Ozanne

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Philoctetes Aiming the Bow of Hercules at Odysseus, 1790

Asmus Jacob Carstens

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Overcomes Antaeus, Who Opposes His Passage into Africa, 1775

W Walker

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Omphale, 1606

Peter Paul Rubens

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Death of Herakles

Art Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Herakles - Apotheosis

Art Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Marconi Strangles Ocean Cable and Land Telegraph Snakes

Linley Sambourne

Art Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Hercules Brabazon

John Singer Sargent

Art Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Le Jardin D'Hercule

Hubert Robert

Art Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Emily Lady Pakenham

George Hayter

Art Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

The Hesperides

Arthur Rackham

Art Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

The Hesperides

Arthur Rackham

Photographic Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Folklore, Nymphs

Arthur Rackham

Art Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Herakles Versus Hydra

Arthur Rackham

Art Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

The Nemean Lion

Art Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $20

Hercules, Detail of Decorative Relief from Jole and Hercules Fireplace

Michele Di Giovanni Da Fiesole

Giclee Print

8" x 24",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules (Herakles) Temple

Bruno Morandi

Photographic Print

12" x 8",

Multiple Sizes

From $27

Hercules and the Nemean Lion, c.1504-8

Leonardo da Vinci

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Supporting the Sky instead of Atlas

Arthur Rackham

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Achillies and Hercules

Sascha Schneider

Giclee Print

16" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Eleven Labor. Hercules Holding the Sky, Aided by Athena as Atlas Holding the Golden Apples from…

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules Wrestling with Antaeus

Guiseppe Cesari

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

The Great Hercules, 1589

Hendrik Goltzius

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Antaeus and Other Studies, C.1525-28

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Giclee Print

18" x 12",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Lichas, 1849

P. S. Sorokin

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Deianeira, 1517

Jan Gossaert

Giclee Print

12" x 16",

Multiple Sizes

From $32

Hercules and Antaeus, 1478

Antonio Pollaiuolo

Giclee Print

12" x 18",

Multiple Sizes

From $32